Shaving is, for many people, a chore. It doesn’t have to be that way, check out our FAQs.

A growing number of men are turning away from expensive multi-blade cartridge razors to ‘double-edge’ (DE) razors from modern manufacturers or using classic vintage razors from well known brands like Gillette.

Unfortunately in many cases these classic vintage razors, used for many years by our father or grandfathers are merely thrown out when no longer used.

Don’t throw that old razor away!  Put it to good use and do yourself a favour.

Cleaned, polished and carefully sanitised vintage razors often have decades more use left in them, satisfying the shaving needs of another generation in an environmental friendly, sustainable way.

In some cases, if it is a collectible, your razor could be worth a surprising amount.

So if you have an old razor that is not being used –

REDUCE – give up those expensive multi-blade systems and disposables that end up in landfill

RECYCLE – don’t throw out grandpa’s old razor – put it to good use

REUSE – take up wet shaving with a vintage razor, for a better shave and a better world!