Blades samples are both good and bad.

Good in that you can try different blades, bad in that you don’t really know what to look for at the beginning of your shaving journey.

While opinions vary greatly about the best blade, and people have different favourites, the general view is that Merkur are rubbish, Feathers are the ‘sharpest’ and that Astra Superior Platinum, found in almost all sample packs, are probably a safe first blade.

… keep as many things constant as you can while you are learning.

The key when starting to use a safety razor is to keep as many things constant as you can while you are learning.

So don’t rotate through your razor sample pack using one of each blade in turn.  Pick one blade, I’d suggest the Astra Superior Platinum, and use at least two of that same blade unless it really is horrendous on the first couple of shaves.  This should give you around ten shaves.  If you feel your shave is improving then stick with that blade for two more.

If the first blade you pick really is not working for you, change them until you find one that is OK and then stick with it until you have used four blades and have a few shaves under your belt.

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